Course Schedule (Tentative)

Week Lecture Topic Readings Slides
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to Human-AI Interactions N/A Slides
Week 1 Lecture 2 Practical Machine Learning N/A Slides
Week 2 Lecture 3 Perspectives on Human-AI Interaction Reading 1
Reading 2
Week 2 Lecture 4 Team-based activities
Week 3 Lecture 5 Machine Learning + UX N/A Slides
Week 3 Lecture 6 Human Centered AI Design N/A Slides
Week 4 Lecture 7 Fairness in ML (Part 1) N/A Slides
Week 4 Lecture 8 Fairness in ML (Part 2) Reading 1
Reading 2
Week 5 Lecture 9 Fairness in Algorithmic Hiring
(Guest Lecture by Manish Raghavan)
Reading 1
Reading 2
Week 5 Lecture 10 Fairness in Child Welfare Systems
(Guest Lecture by Alexandra Chouldechova)
Reading 1
Reading 2
Week 6 Lecture 11 (Differential) Privacy Reading Slides
Week 6 Lecture 12 Privacy and Security for Internet of Things
(Guest Lecture by Jason Hong)
Reading Slides
Week 7 Lecture 13 Interpretability (Part 1) Reading 1
Reading 2
Week 7 Lecture 14 Interpretability (Part 2)
(Guest lecture by Hima Lakkaraju)
Reading 1
Reading 2
Week 8 Lecture 15 Social Acceptability, Ethics, and Trust (Part 1) N/A Slides
Week 8 Lecture 16 Social Acceptability, Ethics, and Trust (Part 2) Reading: Chapter 6 - Ethics
Week 9 Lecture 17 Recommender Systems Reading Slides
Week 9 Lecture 18 Recommender Systems
(Guest lecture by Michael Ekstrand)
Reading Slides
Week 10 Nov. 3rd Election Day--No Class on Tuesday
Week 10 Lecture 19 Neural Networks N/A Slides
Week 11 Lecture 20 Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) N/A Slides
Week 11 Lecture 21 AI Generated Images
Reading 1
Watching 2
Week 12 Lecture 22 Reinforcement Learning Reading Slides
Week 12 Lecture 23 Application: Self-driving cars
(Guest lecture by Gokul Swamy)
Reading Slides
Week 13 Lecture 24 Application: Healthcare
(Guest lecture by Adam Perer)
Week 13 Nov. 26th Thanksgiving--No Class on Thursday
Week 14 Peer Feedback
Week 15 Project Presentation